She's one 26-year-old gorgeous lass who works as the associate fashion editor for Elle Magazine. In this 3rd episode of Women We Love, Ayla talks about her passion in life, her liking for role playing, and gives away her one little secret to us.
Without further ado, we present to you Ayla Dimitri.
I think our readers would very much like to know more about you, let's start with you, Ayla. How would you describe yourself? What kind of person are you?
Im a real Virgo (Percaya gak percaya). I'm a person with a high energy. I'm interested in science. I listen to a lot of bands. I watched 90s movies. Well, some say, gue bukan orang yang suka gosip dan gue rasa juga demikian. Gue lebih suka menampung ketimbang menyebar. Gue sangat suka menganalisa. Gue hobi mikir. Aduh lame banget yah hahaha. I like to please people and I like to meet people.
What makes you feel alive? What's your passion in life?
Uhm, what makes me feel alive? My work thingy, kerjaan gue sebagai seorang associate fashion editor di majalah yang memang dari dulu sudah menjadi one of my favorite magazines, dan semua hal di bidang fashion. Ketika orang mengakui posisi gue dan karya gue, gue seneng banget.
"My passion in life is sharing my personal taste of fashion with people. I just love styling. And I love making other people look good dengan selera pilihan gue. "What's your motto in life?
Just stop looking back.
As an amazingly sexy lady, I have to ask... What is the definition of "Sexy" to you?
OH WOW hahahaha. Mm-hm... Definition of sexy? For me, sexy is one good looking woman who can think like a man. It's absolutely sexy. Kalo perempuan juga bisa ngerti apa yang menjadi "guy thing" - that's so sexy! (As for me...I've always wanted to be an engineer. Beneran! Gue suka banget fisika pas SMA haha...sounds so geeky, hey?)
Tell us about one little secret that not many people know about you?
My eyebrow cuma setengah. It can't grow back - I'm so sad! Hahahaha...No, really. Muka gue bisa kaya alien kalo gak dandan. Scary as sh*t. Atau kalau mau jawaban yang lebih serius: Gue agak cenderung punya social anxietykadang-kadang (sering juga sih) - gue suka takut sama judgment orang-orang. Suka stres sendiri ngerasa banyakhaters. Padahal belum tentu benar.
Let's get down to business, can you tell us what can a guy do to turn you on...Aaand, what can a guy do that would turn you off?
Oh hello, I love this question ;p.
"Umm-hm, I like dirty talks (tp ga suka yang tacky). Smart dirty-talks. Haha. YES! I am serious!! I like hearing their fantasy (about me), and what are they gonna do to me. It turns me on. "I like role playing. (Dad, If you're reading this. I'm big enough to understand these things)
What turns me off? Tacky pick-up line and some boring testosterone-show-offs and foreplays yang flat dan gitu-gitu aja.
Pria seperti apa sih yang bisa membuat seorang Ayla tertarik?
Smart guy with a good taste in style (not too much), with good taste in music, food, he has to be funny (in a smart way). I don't like guy with "slapstick" jokes and those goofy faces. I like simple guys. Not too much "urusan". If you know what I mean. :p. Dan gue suka laki-laki yang nggak rumpi.
Now imagine you're in a café, just enjoying your time alone. And then ada cowok yang datengin kamu. What will be the best pick up line that he can say that will make you interested?
"Hey, are you working in art industry?"
Keuangan, Chemistry, Agama, Keluarga, Penampilan, dan Great in Bed. Coba urutkan hal-hal itu dari yang paling penting sampai ke yang paling tidak penting apabila kamu mau menjalin hubungan serius dengan seorang Pria.
Penampilan, Chemistry, Great in Bed, Keluarga, Keuangan, Agama.
Menurut kamu, apa satu karakter paling penting dari pria yang harus ada?
SABAR! Hahaha we, woman, we are destined to be as complicated as Erno Rubik's head when he invented the Rubik's cube. You need good formulas to understand us.
Coba kasih kita satu nasehat yang tidak banyak Pria tahu, tetapi justru penting bagi kamu?
Boys, be smart and helpful please. And efficient! Perempuan jaman sekarang makin pinter dan makin kuat. Ketemu cowok yang gak efisien dan multifungsi bisa-bisa gampang snap! :p
Bukan konteks anter jemput segala macem ya. Tapi more like, misalnya gue butuh bantuan dalam pekerjaan, dia bisa membantu perihal sistem dalam merealisasikan projek tersebut. Atau misalnya gue nanya mengenai world issueyang gue ketinggalan, dia bisa jawab. Susah ye...
One last question, what's the definition of a "Real Man" in your opinion?
Real Man: Laki-laki yang bisa memenuhi janjinya. Laki-laki yang bisa memimpin dan memberi keputusan. Laki-laki yang suka perempuan tentunya.