Untuk itulah The Academy menggaet Kevin buat jadi host Academy Awards 2019. Dia diharapkan bisa meningkatkan audience ajang penghargaan film terbesar di dunia itu yang beberapa tahun belakangan menurun.
Bintang film yang menjadi lawan main The Rock di Central Intelligence itu mengkonfirmasi kabar tersebut di media sosial. Menjadi host di ajang sebesar Academy Awards merupakan salah satu life goals Kevin.

"For years I have been asked if I would ever host the Oscars and my answer was always the same... I said that it would be the opportunity of a lifetime for me as a comedian and that it will happen when it's suppose to (sic)," tulisnya.
"I am so happy to say that the day has finally come for me to host the Oscars."
Academy Awards 2019 bakal digelar 24 Februari 2019. Tahun lalu acara The Oscars cuma mendapat 26,5 juta views, terendah dalam sejarah di Amerika.